Privacy Statement


General Data Protection Regulation.

Members data will be handled in accordance with legal principles and we have never, and will never, sell or share your personal details with any other third party. All our data is stored through the class4kids platform and you can read their statement below. Staff have access to data through our on site registers via a username and password.

Class4Kids statement regarding GDPR regulations.

Our platform and vision for supporting the kids activity industry have grown significantly in the past year, so we’re updating our Terms of Service, Data Protection Policy, Data Retention Policy, and Privacy Policy (collectively, Our Terms). This is both in order to comply with the GDPR, as well as a statement of intent to you, our customers, that we take seriously our role in making your lives easier every step of the way. These updates will give clubs using our platform the confidence that they are doing so responsibly, and that we still provide all the great service (and more) that we always have. For parents and other users of the platform, we are giving transparency and reassurance as to how data is being processed and used, with the ultimate aim of keeping that information safe and used for the purposes it was given; making coaches and parents’ lives easier.

Contact Us

Ainsty Gymnastics & Trampoline Club


   Office : 01904 737563   

   Rob: 07856 602 199

   Freddie: 07513 901 672


Facebook page:   






Join us!

We offer Gymnastics, Trampoline, GymPacT and PlayGym.  If you have a child who is interested in any of these recreational activities and wants to learn new skills, why not join us today?


Club sites

York Sites:

- Flip Out, Trampoline Park

- Huntington School

- Vale of York Academy

- Energise Leisure Centre

- Marjorie Waite Court

- Burnholme Sports Centre


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© Ainsty Gymnastics and Trampoline Club

